Dynamics of wholesale and retail trade for January-August of 2018
Turnover of retail trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-August of 2018.
According to the State Statistics Committee, in January- August, the retail trade turnover amounted to 81 249,1 billion UZS (10,1 bln USD), which is 4.6% more than in the same period last year.
The share of large enterprises was 13%, small enterprises - 87%.
For all regions, there was observed an increase in turnover. In particular, Bukhara (6.6%), Khorezm (5.1%), Jizzakh (6.7%) and the Republic of Karakalpakstan (5.3%)were distinguished with the highest growth rates.

Retail trade turnover per capita in January- August 2018 increased by 2.8% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 2478.7 thousand UZS. By regions, the highest indicators of trade turnover were recorded in Tashkent (7,391.3 thousand UZS) and in Navoi region (3389.9 thousand UZS), which can be explained by the location of large trading and industrial enterprises in these regions.
Almost half the average per capita commodity turnover compared to the republican index was recorded in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (1414.7 thousand UZS).
Wholesale trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January- August 2018
According to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan, in January- August 2018, the volume of wholesale trade increased by 6.6% compared to the same period in 2017 and amounted to 35488.4 billion UZS (4.4 billion USD).
Comparing to retail trade, wholesale trade turnover in 4 regions recorded decrease in the volume (comparing to previous year): Qashqadaryo region (-5.5%), Samarkand region (-0.8%), Fergana region (- 0.5%). The highest growths were observed in Navoi (85.1%) and Jizakh (37.1%) regions.
The turnover of small enterprises and microfirms increased by 4.6% and reached 23616.3 billion UZS, which is the 66.5% of the total turnover of wholesale trade.
The increase in the growth rates of trade turnover for the analyzed period can be related to 4 main factors:
1) Construction of new shopping centres;
2) Expansion of the product basket of consumers;
3) Increased incomes of the population;
4) Inflation.
The growth of retail trade turnover for January-August of 2018 was 4.6%, and wholesale trade 6.6%. For 8 months in 2018, inflation was 6.2%. For the same period last year, it was 6.7%.
Based on these data, it can be seen that there was no real growth in retail trade (on the contrary, it decreased by -1.6%). Nevertheless, the growth of wholesale trade exceeded inflation and we can see 0.4% increase.